EO Pay – 1 Reader for All Major Payment in Hong Kong. 1部流動卡機有齊全港主流支付

Offline Reader Services

Offline Reader Services

One Reader Only for all 15 Major payment in Hong Kong like Visa / Master / Alipay / Wechat / Apple Pay / G Pay / Samsung Pay/ Union Pay / JCB / American Express / Diners Club / Discover Card / Octopus Card / PAYME & FPS

Transaction Rate

Low Transaction Rate as low as 1.3%- 1.5% for SME and Business Starter Plan.

Money Saving

No Rental Charge No Annual Services Charge on SME & Business Starter Plan.
創業者及中小企可享免年費, 免租機費優惠

Time Saving for your business

Just only one stop one application for all of your payment.
我們提供一站式申請.批核快捷, 為您節省時間

Suitable for all Business

Pay on delivery/ Pay on Counter /Pay on Table

而家就打呢個電話 3499-2828 同營業部徐小姐傾傾喇 !